Be You Suicide Postvention Toolkit and Postvention Response

Be You supports schools in responding to and recovering from the impact of suicide through its Responding Together domain.

  • Tier: Tier 3: Targeted support
  • Category of intervention: Other government funded resources
  • Strength of evidence: Not applicable
  • Geographic location: State-wide

Program description

Be You supports schools to prepare, respond and recover from the impact of a death by suicide in a learning community, through its Responding Together domain.

Learning communities that are impacted by a death by suicide can get support from Be You Consultants who can guide schools through the Postvention resources.

Schools can use the Be You Suicide Postvention Toolkit to develop their own Postvention Plan using the extensive resources available.

The Toolkit provides guidelines on how to respond to the incidence of a suicide impacting a school.

Each section outlines the key short- and long-term actions that schools responding to, and recovering from, a death by suicide can undertake immediately.

The toolkit also provides scripts for notifying members of the community, tools and resources.

Intended outcomes

  • Support staff in responding to suicide
  • Provide evidence-based and practice-informed guidelines to inform decision-making and actions during a challenging time

Program details

Target audience
  • Capacity building for primary school staff
  • Capacity building for secondary school staff
Program providerBeyond Blue in collaboration with headspace
Delivery mode
  • Face-to-face
  • Online

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Educators in school communities affected by suicide.
  • Program adaptability: The information in the Toolkit is set, however can be applied according to the school's individual context.
  • Staffing: No backfilling required.
  • Training requirements: No training required but attendance at a Be You Postvention Planning session is recommended and is available free of charge through your Be You consultant. Toolkit provides guidance.
  • Australian experience: The Toolkit was developed in the Australian context. The guidelines and resources can be applied in any school across Australia.


  • Item cost: Free
  • Detailed cost: Free
