Professional development and learning for teachers
Professional learning for teachers and teacher leaders
Explore leadership professional learning offered by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
Performance and development for teachers
Information on the performance and development arrangements for teachers, including policy, guidelines and resources.
Professional development for casual relief teachers
Use CRTPD to find professional learning on offer for the year.
Diversity and inclusion in schools
As one of Victoria's largest employers, the Department of Education aims to create an organisation that is diverse, fair and inclusive.
Career education professional learning
Build on your skills and knowledge to improve leadership and delivery of career education at your school.
Secondary Sciences, Technologies and Mathematics (SSTM) Initiative
For Out-of-Field Teachers in Digital Technologies or Design and Technologies. Expressions of Interest for this initiative are now closed.
The Teaching Excellence Program
Apply to the Teaching Excellence Program, advanced professional learning for highly skilled teachers in Victorian government, Catholic and Independent schools.
OHS Induction and Training
Training starts at induction when an employee or contractor commences work. Every role within the department has certain OHS responsibilities, each requiring particular levels of competency.
Mentor training for experienced teachers
The Effective Mentoring Program is a professional learning opportunity for experienced teachers.
Training for international school coordinators
Victorian government schools accredited to enrol international students appoint an international student coordinator (ISC).
Disability standards for education eLearning
These eLearning modules are to help schools and education providers understand their obligations under the disability standards for education legislation.
Professional learning program: Differentiated/play-based inquiry learning in the early years of schooling
Enhance early education with play-based learning. Discover our free online program for teachers in Victoria, developed in partnership with Deakin University.
This learning journey will give you the information you need to work with children with complex disabilities at your Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) service.
Master of Inclusive Education Program
The Victorian Government is offering fully funded Master’s placements for eligible teachers and regional workforce members dedicated to supporting students of all abilities.
Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) program
Funding is available for teachers in Victorian government schools interested in building their capability to support students with learning difficulties.
Inclusive Classrooms professional learning program
Inclusive Classrooms offers a suite of courses for school staff designed specifically for the Victorian education context. The courses focus on practical teaching strategies, adjustments and supports
Induction and mentoring for new teachers
Induct new and beginning teachers into a school.
Professional learning programs: Vocational and applied learning
Professional learning programs funded by the Victorian Government as part of the senior secondary schooling pathway reforms.
Professional learning and development for principals and administrators
Professional development for principals and administrators
Most professional development opportunities for principals are run by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.
Professional learning for principals, assistant principals and business managers
Professional learning offered by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to help you find the training and support you need at your career stage.
Victorian Aspiring Principal Assessment
An assessment for aspiring principals that determines whether you are ready to be appointed to a principal role.
CASES21 training
Training for CASES21 at regional information technology training centres (ITTCs) or online via eduPay.
IT training for school staff
School staff can access information and technology training through the CAMPUS learning centre and eduPay (eduMail login required).
Return to Work and Workers' Compensation Training
The department hosts training sessions for RTW Coordinators and for other people who are responsible for the administration of workers' compensation.