For new and beginning teachers
The Graduate teaching induction guide (PDF 2.69MB) provides practical advice for participating in induction as well as access to specialist support and resources.
An accessible word version (DOCX 567KB) is also available.
From graduate to proficient
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) guidelines) identifies four focus areas that are critical for effective induction.
Tools and resources for new and beginning teachers
Essential resources to help you learn about the Department, Victorian teaching and tools that assist you to manage your pay, career and health and wellbeing (education login required).
Graduate teacher learning series
This an online professional learning magazine designed to address graduate needs, reflect your voice and encourage development of professional networks.
Graduate teacher induction resources
This page contains induction resources on professional learning, wellbeing and more for graduate teachers as they start their career.
Career Start: transforming the first years of the teaching career
Supporting graduate teachers in the first year of their career.
For principals welcoming new teachers
The Principal and school leader guide to induction of graduate teachers (PDF, 2.5MB) tool provides practical implementation steps for a comprehensive induction process.
An accessible word version (DOCX, 478KB) is also available.
Mentor training for experienced teachers
The Effective Mentoring Program is a professional learning opportunity for experienced teachers.
Occupational health and safety (OHS) induction
The principal or their delegate must ensure that all employees are provided with an OHS induction into the workplace at the commencement of employment.
For new principals
Policy Advisory Library
All operational policies, guidance and advice materials for government schools.
Key dates for principals
A calendar of important dates in the school year and key actions (education login required).
Principals' Page
Information about resources and supports for principals, assistant principals and business managers.
Professional development for principals and administrators
Most professional development opportunities for principals are run by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.