Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) Program

The Victorian Government is offering places to teachers and regional workforces to complete postgraduate study in learning difficulties. Applications for Round 4 are now closed.

Teachers in all Victorian government schools and regional workforces wishing to deepen their knowledge in learning difficulties, including dyslexia and dyscalculia are eligible to apply for this postgraduate opportunity.

Regional workforces must obtain support and endorsement from respective managers, Executive Directors and Student Wellbeing and Engagement. Please contact your Inclusive Education Coordinator, Disability Inclusion Implementation Branch, to discuss your application and complete a nomination form.

About the course

How the course aligns with your teaching practice

Designed for practising teachers, the course aims to deepen teachers’ confidence and practice so they have the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of all students.

This course prepares teachers to:

  • learn to lead evidence-based literacy and numeracy practice across their school and dive deeper into the building blocks of learning
  • plan for and support the implementation of a systematic synthetic phonics approach for all students in Prep to Grade 2 as part of the updated VTLM
  • learn to use data to analyse intervention strategies and measure impact and learning outcomes
  • apply contemporary evidence-based strategies to solving practical teaching and learning challenges in schools
  • improve the quality of goal setting for Individual Education Plans and differentiation approaches
  • build the confidence and skills to coach and support peers in their teaching.

What teachers say about the course

We asked recent graduates how their Graduate Certificate study impacted their teaching – here’s what they had to say.

Watch this video featuring Danielle Henderson, Assistant Principal at Seville Primary School.

Watch this video featuring Jacqueline Damen and Katherine Griffin, classroom teachers at Surf Coast Secondary College.

Watch this video featuring Brooke Slopak, RTI/MTSS Intervention Teacher at Keelonith Primary School.

What is involved in the course

  • Study 4 subjects: These subjects cover how students learn, cognitive load theory, literacy, numeracy and how to implement inclusive change in education.
  • Attend 4 online teaching days: For each 12-week subject, these are scheduled on weekends (Saturday or Sunday), ensuring recipients can balance study commitments with work and personal commitments.
  • Undertake online self-directed study: Class preparation, readings and assignments.
  • Complete the course part-time over 12 or 24 months: Successful applicants start studying in Semester 2 (July) 2025.

Visit the Faculty of Education's course page Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) The University of Melbourne for detailed subject descriptions and intended learning outcomes. The course has no practicum component so no casual relief teacher provision is necessary.

Pathway to the Master of Learning Intervention (Stream A course, learning difficulties)

This pathway for the learning difficulties specialisation is a program requirement.

If you wish to apply for the Master of Learning Intervention (Stream A) course with a specialisation in learning difficulties through the University of Melbourne, you will need to:

  • Step 1: Apply for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) course.
  • Step 2: On completion, apply for the Master of Learning Intervention course, specialising in learning difficulties.
  • Step 3: Apply for 50% Recognition of Prior Learning for the 4 subjects completed through the Graduate Certificate.
  • Step 4: Complete another 4 subjects and graduate with the Master of Learning Intervention qualification.

For further information about this pathway, please contact the Inclusive Education Scholarships Unit. See contact details below.

Eligibility and Scholarship Prioritisation

To maximise impact, priority is given to schools that do not currently have or have not previously had a scholarship recipient (whether studying or graduated).

Additional eligibility guidelines:

Schools that meet the following criteria may qualify for additional scholarships:

  • Multiple campuses: Each campus may qualify for an additional scholarship.
  • Large enrolments: Schools with over 500 students are eligible for additional scholarships (1 per 500 students).

Guaranteed scholarships:

The following schools automatically receive scholarships as part of a commitment:

  • Specialist and Supported Inclusion Schools: Guaranteed 2 scholarships each.

Teachers keen to apply for the course should discuss their interest with their principal before applying. Principal class workforce are also encouraged to apply for the program to disseminate their acquired knowledge among other staff members.

To prevent any potential disappointment, we encourage you to reach out to the IESU to confirm your school's eligibility for a scholarship in Round 4. There is a possibility that your school may already have a recipient or graduate from the program.

Regional workforces must obtain support and endorsement from respective managers and Executive Director Student Wellbeing and Engagement via a regional nomination process. Please contact your manager to discuss your application.

All prospective applicants must have full registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

Before applying

Please review the scholarship obligations below.

The Department of Education (the department) has made a significant financial investment in capability-building for schools and regional workforces to build the skills and knowledge of inclusive education to better support the needs of all students. Employment and Financial obligations for successful applicants are clearly outlined on the program webpage, in the guidelines and the application form.

If you are unable to meet the program employment and financial obligations, you will be required to repay to the department the course fees associated with the course/subjects taken, regardless of whether you have passed or failed. (See the Debt Recovery policy in the program guidelines.)

The cost of the courses through the program are provided below - please take note of the cost associated with this course as you will be required to repay the course fees if you are unable to adhere to the program obligations.

UniversityCourseSubjectsCourse CostCost per subject
University of MelbourneGraduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties)4$12,750$3,187

Employment and financial obligations

  • If the recipient chooses to withdraw from a unit of study post-census, they will be liable for costs associated with re-enrolment of that unit.
  • If the recipient chooses to withdraw from the course entirely, they will be liable for the repayment of costs associated with units already engaged (passed or failed).
  • If the recipient voluntarily ceases to be employed by the department while studying or during the 2 years post completion, then the recipient must re-pay the department the course fees paid on their behalf.
  • During study or within 2 years post completion, if the recipient/graduate moves into a role that does not support students with a disability or additional learning needs, or that works with schools to strengthen inclusive practices, they will be deemed ineligible and required to repay the funds.
  • Please ensure you consider carefully whether this is the right course for you and your school.

General recipient obligations

  • Although recipients can complete their courses in a shorter timeframe, the department provides 2 years to complete the course studying on a part-time basis.
  • If a recipient changes roles, schools, or chooses to change their enrolment status (defer, intermission, withdraw, etc.), they must contact the Inclusive Education Scholarships Unit for approval.
  • Recipients are not able to defer their first semester of study (Semester/Trimester 2, 2025).

How to apply

Discuss your interest with your principal or manager to ensure alignment with your school or region’s inclusive education goals. Teachers should review practicum requirements and notify their business manager and principal for support.

More details about eligibility criteria, recipient obligations, and how to apply are available in the current round application guidelines (accessible below).

Application Guidelines for Round 4, 2025

Successful applicants

The IESU will announce outcomes approximately one month after the round closes on Monday 17 March 2025 via email and successful applicants will be provided with a 'provisional place'. If you are successful, you will need to apply through the University of Melbourne and meet the admission requirements of the course. To finalise your placement with the department, you will need to provide the IESU with your signed induction pack documents. Further information regarding this process can be found in the program guidelines.

Support available

The support given to recipients includes:

  • full tuition fees*
  • allowance of 2 years to complete the course.

* The department funds full tuition fees associated with the course. However, if a recipient does not meet the program employment and financial obligations, they will be required to repay fees associated with the course.

Relevant professional learning

Interested in getting a head start on understanding learning difficulties?

Check out the department's learning difficulties webpages.

Or explore these modules in the Inclusive Classrooms Professional Learning Catalogue:

Additional postgraduate study opportunities available

Through the Master of Inclusive Education Program, teachers can make a significant contribution to how their schools plan and support students with disabilities and additional learning needs, using contemporary evidence-based, best practice approaches.

For more information, visit Master of Inclusive Education program | Schools Vic.

Contact the Inclusive Education Scholarships Unit
