Inclusive practice
The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
Specialised and targeted evidence-informed professional learning for Victorian teachers and school leaders
Disability standards for education eLearning
These eLearning modules are to help schools and education providers understand their obligations under the disability standards for education legislation.
Inclusive classrooms professional learning
Courses that focus on the understanding, assessment and classroom support of students with learning needs. Includes autism, learning difficulties, hearing loss and vision impairment
AllPlay Learn
Online evidence-based resources and training for teachers. Includes how to be an inclusive teacher and day-to-day tips for students with disability
Professional learning catalogue
Explore our professional learning to find the training and support you need at your career stage
Graduate Diploma of Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Learn about the complexity of the school and classroom experience for autistic students and how to apply evidence-based interventions to support their educational needs and aspirations
Inclusive classrooms professional learning: Supporting students with autism
Extend your knowledge about the key characteristics of autism using a strengths based approach for inclusion to help you meet the educational needs and aspirations of autistic students
Learning difficulties
Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) Program
The Victorian Government is offering places to teachers and regional workforces to complete postgraduate study in learning difficulties. Applications for Round 4 are now closed.
Inclusive Classrooms - supporting students with Learning Difficulties including dyslexia
Explore the Big Six components for reading and the Simple View of Reading to support students with reading challenges
Inclusive Classrooms – supporting students with learning difficulties including dyscalculia
This 2-hour, fully online course is designed to help you better identify, assess, plan and implement teaching strategies to support students with learning difficulties in mathematics and numeracy.
Learning difficulties in literacy video series
Ten 45-minute webinars for school staff supporting students with learning difficulties including dyslexia. They focus on particular skills for literacy learning
Learning difficulties in numeracy video series
Designed to help teachers build an understanding of learning difficulties in numeracy. Includes strategies to use in the classroom to understand and plan for the learning needs of students.
Early Abilities Based Learning and Education Support (Early ABLES)
An online tool that helps early childhood educators provide tailored learning for children with additional needs.
Statewide Vision Resource Centre
Resources and professional development to improve knowledge, and develop skills, about vision impairment
Inclusive Classrooms - supporting students with vision impairment
Extend your knowledge, understanding and skills in supporting students with vision impairment
Victorian Deaf Education Institute (VDEI)
Build capability to support children and young people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Includes online presentations, courses and training modules.
Inclusive Classrooms - supporting students with hearing loss
Gain knowledge, understanding and skills to work successfully with students with hearing loss