Contact HR for schools

There are a variety of ways to contact HR for different concerns and staff.

Current employees

Current employees of the department with questions concerning their employment and conditions should discuss these with their principal, school business manager or manager.

Contacts for School Jobs Vic and Schools Recruitment Unit

For help and assistance with School Jobs Vic or other school recruitment enquiries:

Telephone support is available Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC + 10).

Contacts for principals, school business managers and staff with HR administration responsibilities

Principals, school business managers and other staff with HR administration responsibilities requiring advice, assistance or further information concerning HR policy, procedures or the operation and use of the payroll are requested to use the following contact details.

For employees within a school, contact your principal, business manager or HR administrator.


Contact Schools HR Services and Schools Recruitment on 1800 641 943, and select:

  • option 1 - for Schools Recruitment and recruitment-related enquiries.
  • option 2 - for Schools HR Services and human resource-related enquires
    • select additional options for the region of your choice


Contacts for members of the public

Users of this site that are not currently an employee of the department should contact our Service Centre:

  • call 1800 641 943, option 1 for recruitment enquiries OR option 2 for general enquiries.

Contacts for employees of DPC/DTF and affiliated agencies

Employees of the Department of Premier and Cabinet or Department of Treasury and Finance and affiliated agencies should contact the Shared Services department by email at:
