
Bio-Dash equips individuals, groups, schools and organisations with strategies to reduce anxiety, and enhance focus and wellbeing.

  • Tier: Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion
  • Type of intervention: Mental health literacy
  • Strength of evidence: Level 4: Established evidence for program (supported by quality research evidence)
  • Geographic location: Statewide

Program description

Bio-Dash is a wellbeing and optimal performance program that aims to make learning about wellbeing engaging, tangible and personalised for secondary school students. It was developed for and with school students and staff and has been shown to improve wellbeing and reduce anxiety.

Bio-Dash covers 6 themes across 34 brief online modules:

  • Smart breathing
  • Flexible emojis
  • Max the good stuff
  • Zoning in
  • 7D imagery
  • Self-coach.

These modules can be presented individually or alongside school curriculum and on average take around 15 minutes each to deliver. Modules are accompanied by teacher-facilitated activities that demonstrate the mind-body connection. Students are encouraged to develop personalised wellbeing plans that they can apply in academic, social, sport and performing arts contexts. Strategies selected for Bio-Dash are supported by evidence from wellbeing science, psychology and the sport and health sciences and are youth friendly.

If you would like a more detailed sneak peek at Bio-Dash, please click on the following video link: Overview of the Bio-Dash Program.

Intended outcomes

  • Personalised wellbeing plan for students
  • Heightened awareness of how specific wellbeing strategies impact the mind and body
  • Reduction in stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and wellbeing
  • Increased use of wellbeing strategies
  • Shared wellbeing education spaces and experiences

Program details

Target audienceSecondary school students
Program providerUniversity of Melbourne
Delivery modeCombination of face-to-face and online

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Secondary school students, especially Years 9 & 10.
  • Program adaptability: Due to the flexible delivery mode and brief modules, the program can be adapted to suit the local context and time available, to either integrate with other relevant curricula or use as stand-alone modules. The duration and pace of the program is determined by the school and delivery of the 34 online modules can span across a school year.
  • Staffing: It is recommended the program is facilitated in class by existing school staff such as classroom teachers, counsellors/psychologists or wellbeing coordinators, so backfilling should not be required.
  • Training requirements: No specialist knowledge is required to deliver the Bio-Dash program as expert content is provided via the video modules. A Facilitator’s Guide and a brief online training video are included to make the program delivery smooth and simple.
  • Factors to consider: Bio-Dash can be delivered at a pace that suits schools with a recommended delivery time over a school year to enable time for student reflection and practice. Whole school initiatives are also recommended, and the resources provided will promote a whole school approach.
  • Australian context: The program has been developed and applied in Australia. Bio-Dash is mapped to the Australian and Victorian curricula and can be implemented in metro, regional and rural areas.


Item cost


Detailed cost

The program is priced at $1,200 per school plus $15 per student (inc. GST). It includes instructional videos, 34 online modules, student dashboard, biodots, a facilitator’s guide and additional resources for schools, students and parents.
