Identify child abuse
As a school staff member, it is critical to be able to recognise the physical or behavioural signs of child abuse.
Your reporting and legal obligations
Information on your reporting and legal obligations for suspected child abuse within or outside of school grounds.
Report child abuse in schools
Information on the Four Critical Actions you must take, and guidance for schools to meet their obligations.
Identify and respond to student sexual offending
Guidance for all Victorian school staff on what action to take if you suspect, or are witness to student sexual offending.
Child sexual exploitation and grooming
Guidance for school staff on how to spot the signs of sexual exploitation and how to respond.
Child protection privacy and information sharing
As a school staff member you are permitted to share certain information about a child who has been impacted by abuse. This page provides guidance on the specific information sharing requirements.
Responding to other concerns about the wellbeing of a child
This section will support you to determine how to respond to concerns about the wellbeing of a child which do not appear to be the result of child abuse.
Online learning for schools
Information about 'Protecting Children' e-learning modules to assist staff in both government and non-government schools to understand their mandatory reporting and other legal obligations.
The Child Safe Standards - Early childhood services
Advice for implementing the Child Safe Standards in early childhood services.