
Live4Life's programs are led by a network of local organisations and schools to improve youth mental health and reduce youth suicide in rural communities.

  • Tier: Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion
  • Type of intervention:
    • Local community-led mental health interventions
    • Peer support
  • Strength of evidence: Level 3: Foundational and emerging evidence for program
  • Geographic location: The program is not available in metro Melbourne, Brimbank Melton and Western Melbourne (South West region), Bayside Peninsula and Southern Melbourne (South East region), Hume Moreland and North Eastern Melbourne (North West region) and Inner Eastern Melbourne and Outer Eastern Melbourne (North East region).

Program description

Live4Life is a youth suicide prevention model designed specifically for rural and regional communities. Live4Life's programs are led by a network of local organisations and schools who partner to lead the Live4Life model throughout the community.

The Live4Life program has 4 key elements:

  1. Delivery of accredited Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community.
  2. Creation of local partnerships between schools, councils, local services and community organisations, to lead conversations about mental health and suicide prevention.
  3. Promotion of young leaders as Mental Health Ambassadors – The Crew, who lead implementation of the Live4Life in their schools.
  4. Mentoring and support to communities to implement the Live4Life model.

Intended outcomes

  • Improve mental health awareness and a help-seeking culture, and reducing stigma
  • Improve youth mental health and reduce suicide across rural and regional communities

Program details

Target audience
  • Secondary school students - all
  • Secondary school staff - capacity building
Program providerYouth Live4Life
Delivery mode
  • Face-to-face
  • Online
  • Combination of face-to-face and online

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Secondary students and their local community in rural and regional areas.
  • Program adaptability: Live4Life is implemented by the local community so they are able to adapt the model to best suit their young people. Each Live4Life Community has a dedicated Community Engagement Coordinator who supports the community to adapt the model to suit local needs and context.
  • Staffing: Schools may need to backfill when staff complete the 14- hour Youth Mental Health First Aid course.
  • Training requirements: For Youth Mental Health First Aid, time commitments vary depending on the component. Schools need to consider: Staff release to complete Youth Mental Health First Aid, a 14-hour course. Schools are required to maintain a minimum 10% of staff accredited in YMHFA at all times. Senior school staff are required to attend school and community partnership group meetings, often monthly, running for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Factors to consider: For Live4Life to be sustainable an expression of interest (EOI) process is utilised and co-investment from the community is required. A collaborative approach from all secondary schools in a Local Government Area (LGA)is required and is part of the EOI process.
  • Australian context: The program has been developed and applied in Australia.


Item cost


Detailed cost

The cost of Live4Life varies depending on the number of schools in the local government area (LGA), and the size of each school. Per school costing is estimated to be $8,000+ inc. GST per year to contribute to the implementation of Live4Life in each LGA. Schools contribute to implementation costs of Live4Life as do other local community organisations such as local government, community and health services.

Per student to complete Teen Mental Health First Aid, it costs $1.20 for the certificate and $7.70 for the manual (inc. GST).

Other costs that are borne by the local Live4Life community include local coordination, the youth leadership and participation component -The Crew, and training of mental health first aid instructors.
