Cranborne Poly Girls

Illona Young, STEM Teacher, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

We've been looking to promote girls in STEM, and part of that was to specifically encourage girls to take on a robotics team challenge this year.

There are not a lot of women represented in STEM, and if we actually encourage children at a young age, we may be able to inspire or encourage girls to take up fields in science and technology in the future.

Rachel, Student, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

I really like STEM, and Ms. Young makes it really, really fun and I really like the activities she's given us.

Amani, Student, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

She’s very like, enthusiastic, and she makes everything very fun. I think it's very special.

Illona Young, STEM Teacher, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

This is our second year competing in the Robo Cup competition. We have a very culturally

significant community at our school, and so we thought that this might be a really key aspect

that we could share through the on stage performance and include our robotics and our coding skills from our students.

Rachel, Student, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

These are the robots that we use for our dance. Each of them has their own name and costume. Each of them has their own role to do. We got to incorporate science

with some dance, and we're incorporating two subjects together, and we also get to tell a story about Samoa’s culture and the story of the song.

Amani, Student, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

I'm really, really proud of how we've come and I've really had a fun journey through robotics, with all my friends as well.

Illona Young, STEM Teacher, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School:

I'm very emotional when I see them perform. It is a celebration of our learning here

and it's just wonderful to see these young ladies just representing not only their culture

but themselves as young STEM women for the future and those children coming up through

the different parts of our school.

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Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

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