PCMS-Classroom behaviour expectations and rules

(gentle upbeat music)

[Narrator] Clear expectations for behaviour are at the heart of effective classroom management. Research shows that when students know what's expected of them, they're more likely to demonstrate expected behaviour and engage in their learning.

Behaviour expectations are broad concepts that guide the way we conduct ourselves. Rules help clarify how students can successfully demonstrate expected behaviours in different situations.

Today, I'm going to show you how I use behaviour expectations and rules to ensure students experience success in my classroom.

First, I think about where students are most likely to experience problems, particularly during activities where there's more social interaction or movement between activities or locations in the classroom. Then I identify the replacement behaviour I want to see instead.

I make sure these behaviour examples follow OMPUA guidelines so that students know exactly what's expected of them. That means observable, measurable, positively stated, understandable, and always applicable.

I like to develop rules with the students to give them a say in how we do things. This helps build a collaborative classroom climate. Using a matrix makes it easy to organize the rules and to help students understand how they align with our expectations.

I display the rules and teach students what's expected, just as I would with academic instruction. I explain the rule and remind students why it's in place. Then I model the expected behaviour and rule. Finally, I provide lots of opportunities for the students to practice the expected behaviour.

Together, these techniques help me set students up for success by giving them the tools they need to put behaviour expectations into practice in the classroom.
