Phoenix Australia - Trauma Informed Care

A self-paced online training program to help teachers understand the impacts of trauma.

  • Tier:
    • Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion
    • Tier 2: Early Intervention and Cohort Specific Support
  • Type of intervention:
    • Whole school approach to mental health
    • Trauma-informed programs
  • Strength of evidence: Level 2: Supported by expert opinion or evidence for practice
  • Geographic location: Statewide

Program description

Phoenix Australia's Trauma Informed Care program is an evidence-informed self-paced online program that develops understanding of the impacts of trauma.

The program gives teachers a range of strategies that can be used in a classroom setting, incorporated into pastoral care, and used to enhance their own self-care whilst supporting students, colleagues and school communities who have been impacted by trauma, stress, and adversity.

Participants learn:

  • the principles of trauma informed care
  • how to be culturally responsive
  • how to build safety and trust
  • how to safely talk to and stabilise someone in distress
  • other strategies for aiding recovery and building resilience.

The program includes 11 short modules that take about 5 hours to complete in total and can be sourced on any personal device and platform.

Intended outcomes

  • Increased teacher knowledge of trauma-informed practices
  • Improved student and teacher wellbeing

Program details

Target audience
  • Capacity building for primary school staff
  • Capacity building for secondary school staff
Program providerPhoenix Australia
Delivery modeOnline

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Primary and secondary school teachers.
  • Program adaptability: The program can be adapted for the local school context.
  • Staffing: The program is online and self-paced so there are no backfilling requirements.
  • Training requirements: The 11 online, self-paced modules take approximately 5 hours to complete.
  • Australian context: The program has been developed and applied in Australia. The current version of Trauma Informed Care has been through several iterations in recent years and includes case studies relevant to both the stressors of the pandemic and bushfires.


Item cost


Detailed cost

The program costs $275 (inc. GST) per user. Bulk discounts for more than 100 subscriptions may be considered.

Minor customisation of the content which includes consultation with stakeholders and development of new case studies is charged at $5,500 inc. GST. This expense can be shared across multiple schools or regions. More substantial changes to content and media incurs additional charges depending on required services.

Post-training webinars which typically run for an hour are charged at $1,650 inc. GST per webinar. These can be delivered to multiple schools or regions at the one time.
