Study Without Stress

Study Without Stress gives senior secondary school students in Years 11 and 12 practical strategies to manage schoolwork-related stress.

  • Tier: Tier 1: Positive mental health promotion
  • Category of intervention: Mental health literacy
  • Strength of evidence: Level 4: Established evidence for program (supported by quality research evidence)
  • Geographic location: Statewide

Program description

Study Without Stress teaches senior students in Years 11 and 12 skills to manage stress related to schoolwork. It uses practical strategies to assist students to:

  • manage feelings of stress
  • manage expectations about their ability and academic performance
  • manage their time and deal with procrastination
  • solve problems related to managing the academic demands of senior school.

The program is commonly delivered in small groups at school but can be modified for individual students. The program is delivered by a trained facilitator. This can be a mental health professional or a teacher in a welfare role. School staff can also be trained to deliver the program.

Intended outcomes

  • Lower student stress and anxiety
  • Increased emotional and academic self-efficacy
  • Improved mental health literacy of normal and abnormal levels of stress

Program details

Target audience
  • Secondary school students – upper
  • Secondary school staff – capacity building
Program providerLifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre, Macquarie University
Delivery mode
  • Face-to-face
  • Online

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: The program is designed for students in years 11 and 12.
  • Program adaptability: Some flexibility is allowed, but significant adaptations are not anticipated.
  • Staffing: The program is delivered by a trained facilitator, most commonly the school counsellor/psychologist or teachers with welfare roles. If other staff run the program, backfilling may be required.
  • Training requirements: Facilitators and students use paper workbooks to complete the program. Only the staff training is conducted online and may require internet access.
  • Factors to consider: School staff (teachers, school counselling service staff) delivering the Study Without Stress program need to undergo the online training. This eTraining course takes approximately 4 hours to complete. The program can be delivered to students in 6 x 1.5-hour or 8 x 50–60 minute sessions during school time or after school. There is no minimum number of students required. Staff can seek support from the Emotional Health Clinic if required.
  • Australian context: The program has been developed and applied in Australia.


Minimum cost

From under $1,000

Detailed cost

Professional training per person is $275 (including GST) plus the cost of the Program materials ($70 including GST).

Workbooks for students are individually priced at $24.20 (including GST).

Program costs include:

  • access to Study Without Stress eTraining, delivered online via OpenMQ
  • a facilitator kit, including the facilitator manual and student workbook.
