Academy professional learning programs open

Register for one of the diverse, inspiring professional learning programs available in August 2023.

Tuesday 25 July 2023 at 3:27 am
Academy professional learning programs open

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy) provides a diverse and inspiring range of professional learning programs for teachers, teacher leaders and school leaders to enhance their capabilities and confidence in their teaching and leadership practices.

Courses on offer

The links to the courses below include details on cost, dates, registration requirements, time commitment, delivery mode and who to contact for more information.

Rethinking Assessment to Build Agency in Learning

Registrations are open until Wednesday 23 August 2023. Explore an innovative approach to assessment being adopted in many schools around Australia. You will leave empowered to rethink teaching and assessment, to support deeper learning and personal growth by students.

Numeracy Local Leaders

The next intake for this program is Monday 7 August 2023.

Strengthen your pedagogical content knowledge, application of numeracy principles and methodologies, and be supported to build strategies to lead numeracy improvement within your school or network.

Inspire: Local Leaders

Intakes for this program start on Wednesday 16 August 2023. Develop the capabilities you need to lead school improvement, effectively engage colleagues and build your professional network.

Leading Improvement in Mathematics Teaching

This program starts on Wednesday 23 August 2023. Enhance your team's ability to teach mathematics through evidence-based inquiry and unpack the most effective practices leading to improvement in student outcomes.

Electrifying Children’s Mathematics

This program starts on Monday 28 August. Explore the role computers play in mathematics and society’s increasing demand for computational thinking and project-based approaches. This hands-on workshop places a strong emphasis on thinking mathematically for school leaders.

Clarity Learning Suite

In this on-demand program, leaders can build data capability in schools and networks to enable you to work with colleagues to optimise learning growth for students at all levels of achievement.

Victorian Aspiring Principal Assessment (VAPA)

This on-demand program enables aspiring principals to evaluate readiness, identify targeted leadership professional development needs and prepare for the principal role.

Find out more

For more professional learning opportunities, refer to the Academy website.

For further enquiries, contact the Academy's program and participant support team:

To subscribe to Academy Connect and stay up to date on news and professional learning, visit the newsletter sign up page.
