Academy’s Leadership Excellence Framework drives new learning programs

Check out the new framework and enrol in an inspiring range of Academy teaching and leadership programs starting soon.

Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 10:00 pm
A group of teachers smiling and having a conversation in a classroom.

Inspiring evidence-informed professional learning programs from the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy) are available to help teachers and school leaders enhance their capabilities.

The programs are aligned to the recently launched Academy Leadership Excellence Framework  (the framework).

The framework supports the design and delivery of high-quality professional learning programs and offers teachers and school leaders an evidence-based resource to deepen their leadership knowledge.

The framework sets out the practices, capabilities and dispositions for excellence at all levels of leadership. School leaders can visit the framework web page to discover a range of evidence-informed collaborative learning experiences they can work through with their team.

Check out the Academy’s professional learning programs

The Academy is now accepting enrolments for the programs listed below.

Follow the links to each program for further information on details including content, dates, registration requirements, time commitment, delivery mode, contacts and any costs.

Literacy Master Trainers

Become a Literacy Master Trainer to develop the skills, knowledge and dispositions of educators and school leaders by facilitating Literacy Local Leaders. Intakes commenced Tuesday 3 October 2023.

Lead from any level

Be supported at every stage of your leadership journey with targeted professional learning designed to inspire and build capability, knowledge and skills to lead for impact. Multiple intakes are available.

Clarity Learning Suite

Developed by Lyn Sharratt and based on her book ‘CLARITY: What matters MOST in Learning, Teaching and Leading’, you will strengthen your ability to increase student achievement and growth in an ongoing, sustainable way and create a culture of learning for shared responsibility. Available on demand.

New Academy centre for Mallee educators

The Academy has officially opened its new centre in Mildura, helping local teachers boost their skills with world-class professional learning on their doorstep.

The purpose-built centre is run by local staff and offers state-of-the-art facilities for teachers and school leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas and develop new ways of teaching.

The Academy also has regional centres in Bairnsdale, Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Moe and Shepparton.

Teaching Excellence Program applications open

The Academy is now taking applications for the 2024 intake of the Teaching Excellence Program.

This is the only advanced professional learning program of its kind in Australia and is designed to advance the professional knowledge and practice of teachers from Victorian government, Catholic and Independent schools.

Through the program, teachers advance their knowledge in their learning areas and improve their capability and confidence to teach more effectively.

Teachers accepted into the program can access the latest evidence-informed research to apply in their classrooms.

In a new video, Rachael Gore, from Albert Park College in Melbourne, explained the value of the program. Rachael said: ‘Victoria already has some phenomenal teachers. I think it is important that those teachers are acknowledged, but also that we have the capacity to grow from good to exemplary.’

Teachers who participated in 2023 are preparing to graduate on Friday 1 December 2023.

For further information, visit the Teaching Excellence Program webpage.

Find out more

You can subscribe to Academy Connect to stay up to date on news and professional learning.

For more professional learning opportunities, refer to the Academy website or view the Academy's 2024 professional learning calendar.

For further enquiries, contact the Academy's program and participant support team:
