Celebrating our school sports stars

Hear from Victorian School Sports Awards recipients and watch videos highlighting their outstanding achievements

Rising ice hockey star Dylan Brooks loves everything about his sport. Well, almost everything.

'Tournaments, bonding with your team, making really good plays on the ice, scoring ripper goals, it's all the best, except for the early mornings,' the 12-year-old said.

Dylan's outstanding achievements in ice hockey in 2019 were recognised in the recent Victorian School Sports Awards.

The annual awards for students who have excelled at a sport, and teachers who have made an outstanding contribution to school sports, are the highest sporting accolade presented in Victorian government schools.

Dylan, in Grade 7 at Hazel Glen College, represented Australia in inline hockey at the Junior Olympic Games in Hawaii and the International Pee Wee Hockey Tournament in Canada last year.

He won the Victorian School Sports Awards' prestigious Outstanding Sporting Achievement award, alongside Taekwondo star, Reba Stewart.

Reba represented Australia in the Korean Open, Pacific Games and Oceania Championships in 2019. She returned home with two gold medals.

Between travelling more than 33,000km for international competitions and a full-time training program, Reba completed Year 12 at Maribyrnong College.

Despite missing two months of competition to focus on exams, she continued to hold the highest world ranking for her age group.

'Taekwondo's not a very recognised sport and I just feel like I've worked hard in this sport and it's paid off,' Reba said of receiving her award.

The 2019 Victorian School Sports Awards were announced on 20 March.

For a full list of recipients and videos featuring Dylan and Reba, visit School Sport Victoria.

School Sport Victoria is the peak body for School Sport in Victoria, and a sub-committee of the Department of Education and Training.

Watch Victorian School Sports Awards Outstanding Sporting Achievement Winners Reba & Dylan
