A community of practice for applied learning teachers

Meet other VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate teachers through this Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority program.

Wednesday 30 August 2023 at 12:00 am
A community of practice for applied learning teachers

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is offering a Communities of Practice (CoP) program and other professional learning to help senior secondary teachers to counsel students through their applied learning journey.

Thousands of senior secondary teachers are part of the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) CoP program. This includes applied learning specialists, teachers and careers practitioners all working together to develop high-quality curriculum and pedagogical practice.

The aim of the program is to allow for teacher collaboration and innovation in assessment and experiential activities. The CoPs are led by applied learning practitioners who support teachers in developing teaching and learning plans for the VCE and VPC certificates by:

  • directly supporting members in course planning
  • sharing relevant resources, information and training opportunities
  • arranging for expert guest speakers to speak to the group
  • facilitating collaboration between local teachers.

CoPs typically meet once a term and alternate between in-person and online meetings.

We encourage all VCE VM and VPC teachers and education staff to join these spaces focused on the continued delivery of excellent applied learning programs.

Sign up for VCE VM and VPC Communities of Practice on the VCAA website.

Professional Learning

In addition to applied learning CoPs, the VCAA provides professional learning resources to support providers as they prepare for and implement the VCE VM and VPC, including:

Find out more

For further information about applied learning:

For further information about the Victorian senior secondary reforms, visit Many talents One VCE or VCAA Senior Certificate Reform.
