Discover the Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre

Access a specialised library of more than 26,000 resources providing information and advice to teachers.

Wednesday 30 August 2023 at 12:00 am
Discover the Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre

The department’s Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) has a vast collection of classroom resources on languages, multicultural education, civics and citizenship that you can use.

Along with resources to support teaching in a wide range of languages, the library also covers Victorian curriculum priority areas such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, engagement with Asia, and intercultural capability.

The collection features both physical and digital resources, including teacher reference resources, kits, puppets and games, along with bilingual dictionaries and stories in many languages.

The experienced staff at LMERC curate resources to align with curriculum areas and capabilities, specific topics and for differentiation.

LMERC is located in the COASIT building at Level 1, 189 Faraday Street, Carlton. You can visit the library on site or browse the online catalogue.

Membership is open to all school staff and the library can send resources free to public schools outside the metropolitan area.

Teachers praise LMERC

LMERC provides resources reflecting the multicultural and culturally inclusive nature of our society, and Victorian teachers have provided glowing feedback on using them in the classroom.

Here is a sample of the feedback:

‘The inclusion of multicultural and multilingual texts in the classroom helps students to feel culturally included, represented and that they belong. It provides a break from the exhaustion of always working in second or other language and allows them to research or simply read for enjoyment in the language they know best.’

‘Resources enabled me to offer point of need teaching for different needs of my EAL students in a generalist classroom setting and also allowed my ES to easily use them during a mainstream lesson. Really helped my workload as they were already prepared.’

‘I enjoyed using the resources to support my teaching practice. They supported me to engage students in their learning and provided different ways to present material.’

Find out more

For further information, visit the LMERC website or contact LMERC by email:
