Help inspire the next generation of teachers

Become a case study for teaching in Victoria to help recruit new teachers.

Tuesday 25 July 2023 at 2:41 am
Help inspire the next generation of teachers

We are seeking new teacher case studies to help promote teaching in Victoria, through the Teach the Future campaign.

The Teach the Future campaign aims to spread the word about new teaching jobs available, along with information about supports for teachers to create greater professional development possibilities and more diverse career opportunities.

To help promote teaching as a profession, we’re seeking Victorian teachers to provide their own personal positive insights for the campaign and become case studies for teaching in Victoria. We will promote these case studies as part of the campaign across social media and our website.

To support the campaign, we are looking for:

  • career switchers (aged 35 to 55) – who have recently studied to become a teacher
  • career movers – who have moved from interstate or overseas to teach in Victoria
  • teachers who can speak about the benefits of the reduction in maximum face-to-face hours (through the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022, maximum face-to-face teaching time was reduced by one hour in 2023 and a further 30 minutes in 2024)
  • learning specialists
  • graduate teachers (aged 22 to 25) – who have just entered the teaching profession or are participating in the Career Start program.

If you are interested in being involved, please send your name, role, school and a paragraph on your teaching experience to Adam McCrow, senior communications strategist, by email:

Previous case studies

To see what previous case study teachers got involved in, check out the department’s vodcast series Subject Matters episodes featuring:

  • recent graduate Kapil Bhargava, who followed his passion after studying law
  • Sam Wooster, who moved to regional Victoria from Melbourne for his first year of teaching
  • Keisha De Zylva, who realised her heart was with community development and left her corporate job for a career as an English as an Additional Language teacher
  • recent graduate teacher Amy Robertson, whose love for teaching young people came from teaching sports as a teenager.

Find out more

For more information, refer to the Teach the Future webpage.
