Inclusive classrooms courses now open for Term 2, 2023

Enrol in a free blended learning course by 26 April 2023 to support students with diverse learning needs.

Wednesday 29 March 2023 at 5:30 am
Image of a teacher with students in a classroom

Applications are open for a range of Term 2, 2023, Inclusive Classrooms courses, to help teachers learn how to support students with diverse learning needs.

The 2023 professional learning program is offering a suite of 2-month training options, all beginning Monday 8 May 2023, to promote inclusive learning environments in our schools.

Each of the 5 blended courses in the Inclusive Classrooms catalogue offer practical teaching strategies, adjustments and supports at the school, classroom and individual levels, focusing on the Victorian education context.

Supporting students with diverse learning needs

These courses available through the Inclusive Classrooms catalogue begin Monday 8 May and finish on Friday 14 July 2023:

  • Supporting students with autism
  • Supporting students with learning difficulties including dyslexia
  • Supporting students with oral language and learning
  • Supporting students with hearing loss
  • Supporting student behaviour.

These courses are fully funded and aim to strengthen the ability of teachers to implement inclusive practice.

Short courses at any time

The Inclusive Classrooms catalogue also has other short professional learning options you can access at any time:

  • Human rights approach to diversity and inclusion module (30 minutes)
  • Supporting students with learning difficulties including dyscalculia module (3 hours)
  • Individual education planning short course (2 hours).

How to apply

Inclusive Classrooms professional learning courses are free for all department staff.

The courses provide up to 20 hours of accredited professional learning for Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration and other professional associations.

To apply for a Term 2 course, please refer to the Inclusive Classrooms catalogue. Applications close Wednesday 26 April 2023.

School leaders can also request school-based courses by email:
