Learn about High Impact Wellbeing Strategies

Register for a webinar on the High Impact Wellbeing Strategies happening on 18 July 2023, and download supporting resources.

Monday 19 June 2023 at 11:00 pm
A group of college students talking and laughing

The department invites you to join a free one-hour webinar on High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS) to support student wellbeing on Tuesday 18 July 2023.

These are 7 practical and evidence-based strategies that have a demonstrated significant positive effect on student wellbeing. Student wellbeing is a crucial element in a positive learning environment.

The HIWS are most effective when implemented in a way that promotes positive peer relationships, student voice, agency and leadership, and student engagement in learning.

Join the free webinar, developed by the department and Monash University, to learn how the HIWS:

  • complement other wellbeing initiatives and resources
  • support teachers to build student wellbeing
  • provide a shared language
  • support consistent wellbeing practice
  • form part of a whole-school approach to wellbeing.

You can also check out some great resources on implementing the HIWS below.

Upcoming professional learning

School leaders, teachers and other school staff are invited to participate in a free webinar on HIWS.

Date: Tuesday 18 July 2023

Time: 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm

To register, refer to High Impact Wellbeing Strategies webinar.

Using the HIWS

The 7 HIWS are:

  • build relationships with students
  • facilitate peer relationships
  • establish and maintain classroom expectations
  • support inclusion and belonging
  • foster student self-efficacy
  • engage students
  • promote coping strategies and facilitate referrals.

Under each strategy, the HIWS provide a bank of reliable wellbeing practices teachers can use to support student wellbeing.

The HIWS are a companion to the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS). Like the HITS, HIWS offer the flexibility of being applied individually or collectively, based on the needs of students.

Refer to this overview of how to implement the HIWS.

You can also refer to the HIWS supporting resource for case studies and continua of practice to build your knowledge and skills in each strategy.

The HIWS work best as part of a whole-school approach to wellbeing, and can be explored by individuals, teams or whole-school staff. Purposeful collaboration on the HIWS can support teachers to practise, build skills and provide feedback across the strategies.

Professional Learning Communities can use the HIWS to examine student wellbeing throughout the improvement cycle.

Find out more

For more information, refer to:

For further enquiries, contact the department by email: professional.practice@edumail.vic.gov.au
