New online learning for Abilities Based Learning and Education Support

Learn how to support students with disability and diverse learners to engage with their learning.

Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 10:00 pm
Teacher sitting with young student as they use an iPad together.

A new series of 3 free online learning modules is available to help teachers build professional capability in Abilities Based Learning and Education Support (ABLES).

The ABLES assessment and reporting suite is used to identify and monitor the learning readiness and progress of students with disability and diverse learners. ABLES helps students to engage with the curriculum and, with reasonable adjustments, access the same education opportunities as their peers.

The new modules will build the knowledge and skills of teachers and other school professionals to:

  • understand the purpose of ABLES
  • implement ABLES in the classroom and school
  • utilise ABLES reporting in their teaching and learning practices.

The ABLES modules are free for all Victorian government school staff. Each module will take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete.

To register and for more information about the modules, refer to the ABLES professional learning page.


ABLES assessment and reporting aligns to the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to Year 10, with a focus on the Towards Foundation Levels A-D. The A-D curriculum support students in moving toward the learning described at the Foundation Level of the curriculum.

ABLES supports teachers to identify a student’s strengths and interests as a starting point for learning, based on everyday observations in the classroom and at school. It also provides tools, guidance, and evidence-based strategies to help teach students based on their individual learning needs.

ABLES generates reports for individualised learning planning and tracks students' progress and achievements over time.

There are 9 ABLES assessments to help teachers to observe students with purpose and accuracy, and make well-informed decisions about how to help students progress with their learning.

Find out more

For more information on ABLES, refer to Abilities Based Learning and Education Support.
