Paid VCE examination development panelists and NAPLAN markers needed

Applications for VCE and VCE VET examination development panels close 5 November 2023. NAPLAN marker applications close 27 November 2023.

Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 10:00 pm
Image of a man marking multiple exam papers on a desk.

Applications are open for current and retired teachers looking for paid work writing and reviewing Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) exams or marking NAPLAN writing tests in 2024.

VCE and VCE (VET) examination development panel

In joining an examination development panel, you will work with other educators to write and review VCE and VCE (VET) examinations, marking guidelines and supporting documents.

The paid roles provide an opportunity to be involved in the fair, valid and reliable assessment of Victorian students. The role will give you the chance to:

  • gain valuable professional learning about curriculum and assessment
  • enhance your skills in teaching and assessment
  • build valuable statewide experience in assessment, beyond your own school or setting.

Applicants must not be teaching VCE Units 3 and 4 in the subject they are applying for and have appropriate experience and qualifications.

For further information about what each role involves, refer to Be on a VCE Examination Development Panel.

The studies still open for applications are listed in the Sessional Staff Management System.

Applications close Sunday 5 November 2023.

NAPLAN markers

The VCAA is also seeking current and retired teachers with a strong literacy background to mark the NAPLAN 2024 writing test from March to April 2024.

Markers will assess a range of writing from students in grades 3 and 5 and years 7 and 9 through a secure online platform. This means you will have the flexibility to work from home while contributing to the enhancement of literacy in Victoria.

You will receive 2 full-day training sessions paid at an hourly rate, with an additional paid training session for first-time markers. Marking will then be paid at script rate for the duration of the project.

Once you have successfully completed the training you will benefit from recognition for professional practice from the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) – though you do not need a current VIT registration to be a NAPLAN marker.

Marking will take just over a month, beginning in March 2024. You will need to work 6 days a week during this period, including weekend work (with a break over Easter). You will have the choice between either day or evening marking sessions.

For more information, refer to Writing Marker information.

To apply, refer to Sessional Staff Management System.

Applications close Monday 27 November 2023.

Find out more

For more information, refer to:

For further enquiries about these opportunities, contact the VCAA Examinations Unit by email:
