Professional learning for current and aspiring learning specialists

Expressions of interest for courses on coaching, middle leadership, modelling exemplary practice and professional conversations close 30 April 2023.

Wednesday 29 March 2023 at 4:15 am

Current and aspiring learning specialists are invited to express interest in a range of professional learning courses to be held in Term 2, 2023.

The courses include Coaching for Influence, with a core and advanced program, as well as courses on middle leadership, modelling exemplary practice and professional conversations.

Expressions of interest close Sunday 30 April 2023.

Coaching for Influence

Core program

In this program, participants will learn a range of mentoring and coaching strategies, and work with a specialist coach. The program includes:

  • a 2-hour launch webinar, exploring coaching as a lever in school improvement
  • a one-day online coaching intensive workshop
  • 4 separate 2-hour small-group online group coaching sessions
  • interactive online learning modules.

Advanced program

The advanced program is open to those who have completed the core program. It includes 5 one-hour, one-to-one online sessions with a professional coach, to improve participants coaching and mentoring skills.

The sessions can cover:

  • difficult conversations
  • strengthening collaboration
  • building deep empathy
  • leading change
  • possibility conversations
  • student-centred approaches.

Learning Specialists Professional Learning Suite

There are 3 courses for participants to choose from. Each course includes short weekly synchronous and asynchronous learning elements and a one-day workshop, equivalent to 2.5 days of professional learning.

The course are:

  • Leading from the middle, which explores how to implement whole-school improvement strategies, construct individual and school professional learning and develop a shared view of highly effective teacher practices
  • Modelling exemplary teaching practice and professional learning, which explores using research-based practices to support teaching and learning, develop a culture of professionalism through learning challenges and reflective practice, and apply adult learning principles in professional learning opportunities
  • Professional conversations, which explores techniques for professional conversations with colleagues, research-based frameworks that support professional conversations in schools, and professional conversation enablers built on trust and respect.

How to register

Please visit the Learning Specialist Arc page and click on the tile for the course you are interested in. Register your interest by Sunday 30 April 2023.

Find out more

For further information, refer to Leading Teachers and Learning Specialists in the Policy and Advisory Library.

To stay informed about Learning Specialist professional learning opportunities, follow the Arc Events Learning Specialist Channel.
