Remote and virtual STEM programs for secondary students

Get students involved in free Tech School courses, including robotics, computer-aided design and more.

Monday 19 June 2023 at 11:00 pm
A teacher and some students working on a science project in a classroom.

Tech Schools offer a range of free remote and virtual science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs for secondary school students, covering topics and technologies such as robotics, computer-aided design and sustainable construction.

Tech School programs equip students with STEM skills, introduce them to emerging industry sectors and inspire them to engage with STEM subjects and pathways.

Not content with just helping students to learn cutting-edge skills, Tech Schools also offer professional development for teachers, including the Design2Innovate design-thinking course.

Programs for students

Tech School programs use design-thinking processes to empower students to create their own solutions to real-world problems.

Tech Schools map their programs to the Victorian Curriculum and adapt them to suit different year levels, study topics and students’ and teachers’ needs.

Remote and virtual programs may consist of a standalone session or be run over several days, and may involve a component of teacher professional development.

Where required, Tech Schools will provide program-specific equipment, teacher delivery guides, pre-learning activities and post-activity learning suggestions.

We’ve listed some examples of the courses available at different Tech Schools across the state, below.

Casey Tech School

  • Cool House, Warm Climate (4 x 50-minute lessons): students use a sustainable housing equipment pack to test the effectiveness of passive housing designs and build their own model house.
  • Hair-Raising Hummingbird (6 x 50-minute lessons): students use the Hummingbird Robotics Kit supplied by Casey Tech School to integrate robotics into an existing classroom topic and design challenge.
  • The Tomorrow Farm (8 x 50-minute lessons): students explore the issue of food security and use Hummingbird Robotics Kits to design and build a prototype of their own robotic greenhouse.

Geelong Tech School

  • Introduction to computer-aided design (6 x one-hour lessons): students learn computer-aided design using Autodesk Fusion 360 software, design and manufacture 3D-printed products and gain an understanding of rapid prototyping.
  • Electronics (6 x one-hour lessons): students explore devices that send and receive information, learn and practise introductory coding and program microbits to perform a range of functions.

Monash Tech School

  • Superskills modules (75-minute lessons on Zoom): students and teachers can choose from 12 different modules to learn new skills and explore jobs of the future, from cyborg psychologist to weather control engineer.

Whittlesea Tech School

  • Steampunk Gears and Cogs (resources available online on Fuse): students design and construct film props and costumes using a range of prototyping technologies and techniques.

Banyule Nillumbik Tech School

  • Escape Room (resources available online on Fuse): students work collaboratively to design and construct an escape-room experience related to a specific historical period.

Find out more

For more information on the remote and virtual programs and teacher professional learning opportunities they offer, contact a Tech School.
