Active Schools Toolkit release

The new toolkit promotes a whole-school approach to physical activity in and out of the classroom.

The Active Schools initiative builds on existing programs and funding by giving schools more support and resources to help get kids moving.

Active schools encourage physical activity through a whole-school approach that goes beyond traditional physical education and sport to promote physical activity at every opportunity.

As part of the initiative, an Active Schools Toolkit has been released.

The toolkit is full of information, guidance and resources teachers can use, including ideas to get students moving more in the classroom, which improves concentration and engagement.

The value of being an active school

Students spend about half of their waking hours at school. It is critical that schools support and encourage children and young people to move more and sit less throughout the day – before, during and after school.

Benefits of being active at school include improvements in:

  • classroom behaviour
  • brain function
  • concentration
  • learning outcomes
  • motivation
  • social interactions
  • physical health
  • emotional and psychological wellbeing.

About the Active Schools Toolkit

The Active Schools Toolkit provides guidance and practical strategies that teachers can use to promote physical activity.

The toolkit aligns to the Active Schools Framework, which includes these six priority areas for schools to focus on as part of their approach to promoting physical activity:

  • quality physical education
  • quality schools sport
  • active classrooms
  • active travel
  • active recreation
  • supportive school environment.

Some schools may already be taking action in some areas of the framework. For example, a school might already be running a quality physical education program and offering comprehensive school sport.

Schools can apply the framework flexibly, according to school context and needs. For example, schools may choose to focus on improving their active recreation offerings by designing an outdoor education program, or they could focus on making their classrooms less sedentary and more active.

For advice, strategies and resources to help get students moving more in the classroom, refer to the active classrooms page of the toolkit.

Find out more

For more information, refer to the Active Schools web page on the Department’s website.
