Cyber Security Awareness month

Privacy and safety guidelines to help keep staff and students safe online

Cyber Security Awareness month in October is an ideal time for teachers to review how they are keeping themselves, and their students, safe online.

Refer to the information below for the latest privacy and safety guidelines to help stay safe when using Microsoft Teams, Webex, YouTube and external applications.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams provides four different 'team' types to choose from, which should be automatically set to private when created.

If the team type is set as 'public', any department user can join and access any files associated with the team.

To ensure settings are set to 'private':

  1. Go to the team name and select `More options' then 'Edit team' (towards the bottom of the menu).
  2. Under 'Privacy', confirm that 'Private' is selected.


To keep Webex meetings private:

  • invite appropriate people to a meeting by sharing a link or giving them a secure meeting ID
  • do not share the meeting ID on a website that the public can access.

You should also create a template for class meetings at and enhance security features by:

  • setting the meeting so that all guests wait in the lobby until they are invited into the meeting by the host and can't enter the room prior to the host joining
  • ensuring private chat between participants is turned off (private chat to host can remain).

YouTube for Google Workspace for Education (WfE) users

Use a Google WfE account to deliver YouTube content safely to students, and students will be unable to browse YouTube freely.

Embed YouTube clips in Google Docs, Slides and Classrooms, so students can then access relevant clips without ads and other external content.

Additional guidance: external apps

There have been recent incidents where students have signed up to external apps using their school credentials. This has automatically created a virtual hub that references the school name, without the school's knowledge.

Unfortunately, inappropriate behaviour and access to inappropriate content may occur in these spaces.

To mitigate any further risk, schools should take the following steps:

  1. Block all emails from external apps, as needed, through the Email Administration client. This will stop students from creating accounts with their school email address.
  2. Review the school's Acceptable Use policies and agreements with students to ensure they understand their responsibilities, and how to use products provided by the school.
  3. Share materials on the eSafety Commissioner website for advice about the use of social media services with the school community.

Students should not use their email addresses to sign up to applications and software not approved by their school.

Find out more

For regular updates and guidance, log into the Arc website and refer to the 'Software' section:

  • Microsoft
  • Webex
  • Google Workspace for Education.

For further enquiries about privacy settings, contact Digital Learning Services Unit by email:
