Disability Inclusion profiles build strong support

New videos and resources can support schools to be more inclusive and implement Disability Inclusion

New videos and resources can support schools to be more inclusive and implement Disability Inclusion

The release of a new animated video and guidance information are the latest supports in the rollout of Disability Inclusion to schools.

Completing the profiles of students with disability is part of a new strengths-based process supporting schools, families and communities, and more than 500 profiles have now been completed.

The disability inclusion profile describes a student's strengths, interests, goals and needs at school. Parents and carers, teachers, allied health staff and the student themselves all meet to discuss their goals and develop the profile.

The profile is a key activity under the staged rollout over 5 years, for Victoria's Disability Inclusion initiative.

Using the profile

This new video describes the profile, how it will be used and what parents and carers need to know. The video has been translated into more than 30 languages, including priority languages for parents and carers.

A new resource, the Supporting Information Guidance for Schools (docx 457kb), assists schools to identify and prepare key information for the profile.

See case studies in action

Another new video shows how Yuille Park P–8 Community College used Tier 2 (school-level) funding to employ an inclusive education leader and put in place a number of programs for students.

Tier 2 school-level funding from DET Multimedia on Vimeo.

Stories from other schools implementing Disability Inclusion are featured on a Disability Inclusion – Education in practice webpage. These resources help families, schools and communities better understand inclusive education and how inclusion benefits everyone.

Find out more

For more information, read about Victoria's Disability Inclusion initiative and watch the new video.

If you would like to share your school's experiences with Disability Inclusion, contact the department by email: disability.inclusion@education.vic.gov.au
