Improving Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Outcomes in the Classroom

This primary program enhances emotional understanding, relationships & educator skills using workshops and assessment tools.

  • Tier: Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion
  • Type of intervention: Social and emotional learning
  • Strength of evidence: Level 4: Established evidence for program (supported by quality research evidence)
  • Geographic location: Statewide

Program description

Improving Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Outcomes in the Classroom provides intervention and explicit instruction for SEL capabilities within the primary school classroom. The program supports students to better understand and regulate emotions, while improving relationships with peers. It also provides educators with a screening tool to support SEL needs in the classroom. The program consists of an online workshop for educators to upskill in SEL instruction and assessment that assists in individual referrals and class wide intervention.

Intended outcomes

  • Demonstrably improved SEL understanding and abilities across students and educators
  • Class-wide interventions undertaken to ensure immediate SEL improvement across a majority of students
  • Improved evidence and data for SEL needs across a class or school
  • Improved academic outcomes amongst vulnerable cohorts (low motivation or engagement) or those with previously low skill proficiency
  • Improved student ability to relate to others and articulate their own personal SEL needs
  • Enhanced school culture focussing on SEL needs, promoting wellbeing of students and positive mental health outcomes
  • Improved identification, referral system and evidence base for higher need students

Program details

Target audienceCapacity building for primary school staff
Program providerPearson Australia
Delivery modeOnline

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Year K-6 classroom teachers, education support officers, health and wellbeing staff and school leadership.
  • Staffing: Backfilling will be required to accommodate the 6-hour professional learning session.
  • Training requirements: A 6-hour time commitment is required by teachers to attend the online professional learning session and independent time expected to access supplementary resources to support in-class delivery and assessment. For the training, teachers will require ongoing access to the internet and a computer with video conferencing functionality. Sessions can be delivered on various online meeting platforms pending school preference.
  • Factors to consider: A minimum of 10 educators across a school is recommended to ensure holistic classroom change.
  • Australian context: The program has been developed and applied in Australia.


Item cost


Detailed cost

Improving SEL Outcomes in the Classroom costs $8,800 (inc. GST) for the whole school program with learning delivered privately live online for up to 10 staff. Additional staff from the school can be included at $880 per person (inc. GST).

For an individual purchase of the learning delivered live online and publicly available, the program costs $1,100 (inc. GST).
