Kefford Trust funding

Kefford Trust funding enhances career education for students with intellectual disability in specialist settings.

Kefford Trust funding provides an opportunity for schools to enhance career education experiences for students with an intellectual disability.

The department receives funds annually from the Elizabeth and Miriam Kefford Trusts which are distributed to schools on behalf of eligible students. The funds support the provision of activities and resources intended to improve those students’ career opportunities.

Kefford Trust funding sits under the broader implementation of Career Education Funding (CEF). It supports the provision of additional resources not captured by CEF.

Student eligibility for funding support

The terms of the Trust sets out that students who receive funding must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Attend a Victorian Government school
  • Have an intellectual disability
  • Be solely or partly financially dependent on the Commonwealth of Australia or the State of Victoria, for example:
    • Holds a concession card
    • Has a current NDIS funding plan
    • In receipt of a pension payment.

Using Kefford Trust funding

Kefford Trust funding should be utilised to provide or support experiences that are outside of the student’s educational or CEF program.

The funding can be used to:

  • Fund courses that are only available through specialist providers (eg. First-Aid course, driver education)
  • Purchase industry specific equipment or protective clothing that is necessary for the students’ participation in work placement or career training (that will remain the property of the student).

Funding distribution and reporting

Funding is allocated to specialist schools with an enrolment criterion of intellectual disability, based on student enrolment numbers captured in the February census data each year. Students that are 15 years of age on 1 January (i.e. turning 16 in that calendar year) will be eligible to be included in the distribution calculation.

The total funds available for the given year will be distributed to schools in line with their eligible student enrolment numbers. A minimum funding amount will apply to schools with 1-5 eligible students to support funding equity.

Relevant schools can expect to receive confirmation of their funding allocation via email to the school Principal by the end of Term 1.

Funding is provided as a cash allocation directly into the school’s high yield account. The funds are not subject to GST.

To receipt and track the use of funds, schools should activate a sub program code in the 5150 – 5199 range and title as ‘Kefford Trust funding’.


