Literacy in schools: you’re not alone

On her visit, Dr Mary Jean Gallagher continued to emphasise the importance of schools working as a network.

Exploring the collaborative work being undertaken by teachers and principals to address many issues in classroom education, Dr Gallagher visited a number of schools including Lilydale and Upper Yarra Primary schools. She attended and spoke at a number of sessions for principals and teachers, including literacy leader workshops and principal sessions.

Addressing the Literacy Leader Induction Workshop, Dr Mary Jean Gallagher said, ‘You’re not alone in your school addressing the literacy needs of your students but you will be alone if you spend your time only talking to the people within your schools. If you are stuck in your own school, rely on the fact you are part of a literacy improvement system.'

Schools are very good at improving on the inside but we do tend to keep the work secret and often you’ll go to sessions like this and think… ugh, if only someone had shared this with us five years ago - so much work would have been saved.

For information on the Literacy Teaching Toolkit and for resources to implement in the classroom, refer to the Victorian Literacy Portal .

Watch a video of Dr Mary Jean Gallagher's visit.

View transcript

Supporting FISO priorities: Excellence in teaching and learning

Effective teaching is the single biggest determinant of student improvement in the school. At the core of this Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) priority is the culture of collaboration and collective responsibility spoken about by Mary Jean Gallagher, which develops effective and consistent teaching practices and improves student achievement.
