Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability is an annual collection of information about students with disability.

Improve your knowledge in collecting evidence, assessing students, and moderating data for the NCCD

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability is an annual collection of information about students with disability.

This data enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand student needs and how they can be best supported at school.

Evidence and moderation

Teachers play an important role in the NCCD data process.

When moderating decisions for the NCCD, teachers will have professional discussions using evidence such as Student Support Group minutes, Individual Education Plans, teacher workplans and anecdotal notes. This can be carried out in professional learning communities, at staff meetings or in conversations with staff.

Schools are not required to create new or additional evidence for the NCCD. This should already be standard practice to meet legal obligations under the DDA.

Help for teachers

Teachers can use a new factsheet and a range of resources that will assist teachers in improving their knowledge of the NCCD, including determining students who are eligible for the NCCD.

There are also targeted professional development courses to improve teachers’ understanding of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

How Bayswater Primary School does the NCCD

At Bayswater Primary School, moderation is an important part of their NCCD process.

Teachers have professional discussions to promote in-depth analysis of evidence to provide accurate and well-considered judgements for the NCCD.

The school shows how they complete their NCCD in a video available on the NCCD portal.

Find out more

For more information, refer to:

  • the NCCD web page on our website
  • the Australian Government’s NCCD portal, including the step-by-step NCCD model and quick guide to understanding the NCCD.
