New movement to inspire healthy eating

Vic Kids Eat Well is a new Victorian Government initiative promoting a healthy and delicious diet.

A great education starts with kids having the energy and focus to learn. You can support your students by joining Vic Kids Eat Well.

This simple initiative is supporting schools and other community organisations to refresh their food and drink environments. Already, more than 160 schools across the state have joined.

Vic Kids Eat Well is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria's Achievement Program and Nutrition Australia's Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

Participating schools receive:

  • support from a dedicated health professional
  • promotional material to celebrate healthy food option swaps
  • evidence-based resources to assist progress
  • access to a range of fantastic prizes and rewards along the way.

Rowville Primary School was one of the first schools to join Vic Kids Eat Well and is in the process of making healthy eating a priority for the whole school community.

With support from local community health provider EACH Community Health, the school now provides healthier canteen menu options and has a kitchen garden, where students create their own healthy meals.

Inspired by the fresh fruit and vegetables growing in the garden, student leaders have also implemented their own project to boost vegetable intake across the school.

Visit the Vic Kids Eat Well website to learn more about the school's partnership with parents, students and the broader community to promote access to healthy food and drink options.

What you can do

After registering on the Vic Kids Eat Well website, your school will be linked with a dedicated health promotion professional. Together, you'll review the movement's 4 key actions and select healthy food and drink swaps that are right for your school.

Vic Kids Eat Well's 4 bite-sized actions are:

  1. Refresh the fridge – give sugary drinks the boot and let water take the spotlight.
  2. Switch up the snacks – ditch the sweets and offer delicious healthy snacks that give kids the fuel they need.
  3. Change up the menu – give fruit and veggies a chance to shine.
  4. Put the 'fun' into fundraising and marketing – use healthy meal deals and fundraising options.

Why it's important

Healthy food and drink options can improve kids' concentration, mood, memory, learning outcomes and mental wellbeing.

Your school can make a big difference to student health and wellbeing by creating a healthy food environment that gives kids the fuel they need to thrive.

Find out more

To join or learn about this exciting new movement, visit Vic Kids Eat Well.
