Nominations are open for the Victorian Education Excellence Awards

Help celebrate our most outstanding educators.

Nominations for the 2022 Victorian Education Excellence Awards (VEEAs) are open.

We encourage teachers, principals, business managers, education support teams, and Koorie educators to nominate themselves or colleagues who have inspired them by Friday 20 May 2022.

About the VEEAs

The Victorian Education Excellence Awards celebrate the outstanding work of government school staff and the lasting contributions they make to their communities.

The awards support the ongoing professional development of teachers, principals and school staff. Winners will get professional learning grants to deliver excellence in their roles.

Last year's Outstanding Early Career Primary Teacher Award winner, Tiffany Thomas, said she felt humbled by the experience.

'Winning the VEEA award means a lot to me,' Tiffany said, explaining that she began her teaching career journey later than most people.

'Studying later in life presented challenges, but I knew it was always a passion. I am thankful I stuck at it, as the award win just cemented that I am on the right path.'

To learn more about other previous awards recipients, read Alumni stories.

Shining a spotlight on excellence

The VEEAs celebrate excellence while creating opportunities for educators to network with colleagues from across the state and share knowledge and experiences.

Winners of each category receive grants of up to $25,000 to invest in ongoing professional development. They are also eligible for the Lindsay Thompson Award for Excellence in Education.

The Lindsay Thompson Award is granted to the winner of an award category whose contribution to Victorian government school education is judged to be the most outstanding. The recipient of that award receives an additional professional learning grant of $20,000.

To anyone thinking of nominating for the 2022 VEEAs, Tiffany says, 'Go for it!'

'Nominating someone for the awards not only lets others know they are valued and appreciated, but it also helps to improve the lives of our students,' she said.

'Giving educators the chance to attend extra professional development and further study betters our education system and allows students to receive the best holistic education.'

A panel of judges selects winners in a thorough application, shortlisting and interview process. We will announce the finalists in September.

The award nominations are open in individual and team categories.

Individual awards

  • Outstanding Primary Principal
  • Colin Simpson Outstanding Secondary Principal
  • Outstanding Primary Teacher
  • Outstanding Secondary Teacher
  • Outstanding Early Career Primary Teacher
  • Outstanding Early Career Secondary Teacher
  • Outstanding Physical Education and Activity Teacher
  • Outstanding Business Manager.

Team awards

  • Outstanding School Improvement
  • Outstanding Education Support Team
  • Outstanding Inclusive Education
  • Outstanding Koorie Education
  • Outstanding Provision for High-Ability Students (Primary)
  • Outstanding Provision for High-Ability Students (Secondary)
  • Dr Lawrie Shears Outstanding Global Teaching and Learning.

Find out more

Visit Victorian Education Excellence Awards.

For further enquiries, contact the Victorian Education Excellence Awards team by email:
