Positive Classroom Management Strategies

The Positive Classroom Management Strategies (PCMS) are 8 evidence-informed practices that create safer, more purposeful learning environments supporting student learning, wellbeing and behaviour.

About the PCMS

The PCMS consist of 8 evidence-informed instructional practices designed to create safer, purposeful learning environments. These practices support student learning and wellbeing through teaching positive behaviours.

The practices are based on the guiding principle that behaviour can be taught with explicit teaching and positive reinforcement and disciplinary measures alone do not teach students what to do.

The PCMS are founded on the following guiding principles:

  • Appropriate and inappropriate behaviours are related to the environment in which they occur. Environments can encourage appropriate or inappropriate behaviours.
  • Behaviour is functional. Individuals learn to use behaviours to get their needs met. Behaviour that works is likely to continue.
  • Behaviour can be taught. It is possible to teach alternative replacement behaviours to meet students' needs more appropriately.

Who are the PCMS for?

Based on the best evidence available, the Department has developed resources to support teachers and principals in understanding and implementing the PCMS.

The resources provide teachers with a comprehensive guide to the foundational practices to increase student engagement and minimise classroom disruptions.

The practices provide a structured and positive approach to managing student behaviour, fostering a supportive learning environment that enhances students' social and emotional development.

This not only promotes better student outcomes but also reduces teacher stress and improves overall well-being by creating a more manageable and predictable classroom atmosphere.

Get started with the PCMS

The resources have been designed to enable individual teachers and school leaders to adopt and implement the practices by providing:

  • A clear description of each practice.
  • Suggested step-by-step guide to implementing each practice.
  • Self-assessments and practice checklists.
  • An implementation action plan for school leaders including whole-school adoption which is recommended.

The key resources are as follows:

  • Getting Started Guide(opens in a new window): this guide provides advice for teachers wishing to adopt PCMS in their daily work. The introductory resource provides step-by-step advice for educators wishing to adopt PCMS in their instructional approach. The resource also provides additional advice for school leaders adopting the recommended whole-school implementation of the practices.
  • Placemats:(opens in a new window) developed to break down the practices into an easily accessible resource with hyperlinks to the step-by-step process. The placemats, available under each practice below, provide clear guidance on how to implement practices that promote evidence-informed classroom management strategies. There is also a PCMS overview placemat linked below.
  • Animations of each PCMS: An animation of each of the PCMS is available below under each practice to introduce teachers and principals to the practices and their benefits.

The PCMS are based on the research base for School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS). Schools that have had experience implementing SWPBS will be familiar with the PCMS.

The PCMS are intended to complement existing resource frameworks including FISO 2.0, The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM).

Explore the 8 PCMS

The PCMS are designed to increase the likelihood of greater instructional and engaged time. The PCMS overview placemat(opens in a new window) provides an outline of each of the 8 practices. There is also an overview animation(opens in a new window) that provides an introduction to the PCMS.

Click on the dropdowns to reveal the specific resources that relate to each evidence-based practice.

Further information

Further resources and guidance for teachers and principals around student behaviour are also available at the Department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL).

For further information about the PCMS or School-wide Positive Behaviour Support, please contact the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support Unit:
