Prepare now for the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate in 2023

Start briefing your students now on the new certificate offerings that start next year.

Victoria’s senior secondary education is changing. From 2023, the new Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Vocational Major will replace Intermediate and Senior Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). This means the VCE will recognise different students equally under one VCE.

The new Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) will replace Foundation VCAL.

The new VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) will start in schools in 2023.

We have released new videos to explain the certificate options and how they benefit students. With subject selection a major focus in Term 3, we invite you and your students to watch the full set of videos:

The VCAA study options slide deck (PPTX) outlines the pathway options available from 2023. Educators can use these materials at information evenings and in discussions with parents and students.

Vocational and applied learning (VAL) pathways

You can also refer to some slide decks and videos to learn about how this all works in practice, through the experiences of VAL students and their employers.

The VAL slide deck (PPTX) explains what vocational and applied learning is, outlining how to incorporate it into a secondary student’s education and why it's a great option for students to consider.

The slide deck includes case studies on students who have pursued VAL in their senior secondary education and successfully transitioned to a range of successful post-secondary pathways.

There are also 2 videos in the deck that feature students doing work experience and studying vocational education and training courses in early childhood education and care or building and construction as part of their senior secondary schooling.

Other resources

Help your school community understand what’s changing and when, and what support will be available throughout the transition with these infographics and timelines:

Find out more

For further information, refer to:
