Reach School Workshops

Workshops designed to help students develop resilience, confidence and the ability to create connections.

  • Tier: Tier 1: Positive Mental Health Promotion
  • Type of intervention: Peer support
  • Strength of evidence: Level 3: Foundational and emerging evidence for program
  • Geographic location: Statewide

Program description

The Reach workshops aim to improve students' resilience, confidence and ability to create connections. The workshops are youth-led and are designed and delivered through a peer-to-peer model, supported by professionals.

Reach's primary school workshops are designed to help Year 5 and 6 students connect with their peers, build social and emotional skills, build empathy and self-awareness, and assist with their transition to high school. Reach's secondary school workshops are designed to help Year 7 to 12 students explore connection, respectful relationships, gender stereotypes and pathways for post school.

Intended outcomes

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Increased social and emotional skills
  • Increased connections to others
  • Increased consideration of others and positive peer relationships
  • Increased resilience
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased hope and aspiration for the future
  • Increased perseverance in facing life's challenges
  • Increased motivation for positive life choices during adolescence
  • Increased ability to achieve life potential
  • Increased long-term wellbeing

Program details

Target audience
  • Primary school students - upper
  • Secondary school students - lower
  • Secondary school students - upper
Program providerThe Reach Foundation
Delivery mode
  • Face-to-face
  • Online

*Online workshops should only be booked where face-to-face workshops are not possible due to lockdowns or travel restrictions.

Implementation considerations

  • Target population: Students in Years 5-12 and their teachers.
  • Program adaptability: Workshops can be adapted and modified based on the local context and needs of the school.
  • Staffing: As the teachers will be with their students during the workshops, backfilling is not required.
  • Training requirements: For online workshops, all students require access to a personal electronic device.
  • Factors to consider: Secondary school workshops can include group sizes of up to 70 students per workshop. Primary school workshops can include group sizes of up to 40 students. While there is no strict minimum limit on students participating, it is recommended for at least 20 participants in a workshop at a time. Students are required to participate for the full duration of the workshop, which is 90 minutes. Larger-scale programs such as Heroes Days can be delivered for an entire year level at a time (up to 400 students). At least one staff member must be present throughout the workshop including 15 minutes before and after to prepare and debrief with the facilitation team.
  • Australian context: This program has been developed and applied in Australia.


Item cost


Detailed cost

All secondary school workshops are priced at $990 (inc. GST) per 90-minute workshop for up to 70 secondary students. Primary school workshops are priced at $385 (inc. GST) per 90-minute workshop for up to 40 primary students. Reach can work with schools to determine how many workshops are required for specific year levels, which will determine the cost of the program.

If a school is located more than one hour away from metropolitan Melbourne, Reach will charge a fee for travel, generally priced at $220 inc. GST per team per night to cover the cost of accommodation, car hire, petrol, and daily expenses.
