Supporting practical literacy instruction

Teachers can access annotated reading and viewing work samples to make accurate judgements against the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum: English, Foundation to Level 6.

On this page

The work samples are being released as part of a suite of literacy and numeracy teaching resources under the Literacy and Numeracy Strategy, and complement the first instalment of the Literacy Teaching Toolkit, which includes detailed instructional advice on teaching reading and viewing for Foundation to Level 6.

The Toolkit is a web-based teaching resource covering reading, writing, speaking and listening for students from birth to Level 6.

Teachers and school leaders have told us that to help them in their work with all of their students, they want easily accessible, high quality, and differentiated literacy and numeracy support. This includes the provision of evidence-based, detailed guidance on literacy and numeracy teaching and leadership.

Classroom teachers and curriculum experts have selected, annotated and reviewed the samples, created by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) to support teachers work in the classroom.

Each work sample also includes a set of videos featuring children reading fiction and non-fiction texts that provide evidence of student learning in relation to the relevant achievement standard.

VCAA Acting Director Curriculum Services, Sharon Foster, says the samples are designed to help teachers make informed judgements about student achievement.

The samples have been selected and reviewed by classroom teachers and curriculum leaders to provide classroom-based examples and advice for teachers.

Each sample has been developed by asking a student or a group of students to complete a task based on the Victorian Curriculum and matching this task with relevant parts of the achievement standard. In this way, the tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate their reading and viewing knowledge and to enable teachers to accurately assess students’ skills.

What's included?

All samples include:

  • a task summary
  • a long-form video, showing the whole reading sample
  • the extract from the achievement standard that is specific to this task
  • shorter videos with annotations, focusing on the relevant components of the achievement standard.

The samples are available to support the implementation of the Reading and Viewing mode in the Victorian Curriculum: English, Foundation to Level 6.

To access new resources, including the Literacy Teaching Toolkit, see: Literacy and English

For more information, see: Reading and Viewing Work Samples

Video from the Victorian Curriculum and Assesment Authority – Reading and Viewing Level 1(opens in a new window)
