Supporting students engaged in the youth justice system

Access resources to help provide educational support for young people involved in the youth justice system.

Young people engaged in the youth justice system often have complex needs, histories of trauma, limited support networks and earlier difficult education experiences.

Schools and teachers play a vital role in ensuring that young people get the support they need to successfully continue, or re-engage, with education.

This article outlines resources and support for teachers and other school staff, to help these young people reach their full potential.

Online Conversation Series

You can watch an online video series that profiles how to improve Victoria's youth justice system. The videos outline successful strategies and programs and draws attention to supports that are in place, featuring representatives from:

  • Youth Justice and the Children's Court Youth Diversion Service
  • Victoria Police
  • Parkville College
  • The Grange P-12 College
  • The Education Justice Initiative
  • Youth Justice Pathway Coordinators.

Access the online conversation series videos on the Youth Justice page in the Policy and Advisory Library.

Learning Mentor Training

On Tuesday 7 December 2021, the first state-wide Youth Justice Learning Mentor Training will be held online for school staff interested in becoming a learning mentor for a young person in youth justice.

Learning mentors provide students involved in the youth justice system enrolled in their school with support to remain connected and engaged with their education.

They build strong relationships with students, undertake regular check-ins and guide and advocate for students in the school setting.

The training was developed by the Schools and Regional Services' Youth Participation Unit and is delivered in partnership by the LOOKOUT Youth Justice Advisors, the Youth Justice Education Pathway Coordinators and the Education Justice Initiative.

Participants will better understand:

  • the Victorian Youth Justice system and common educational barriers for the young people within it
  • the Learning Mentor role and strategies for building positive and safe relationships with young people
  • additional support available for young people in youth justice.

Event details

Date: Thursday 18 August 2022

Time: 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Platform: online

Cost: free.

Register on Eventbrite.

Additional resources

Refer to the Youth Justice – Additional Support for Young People page on the Policy and Advisory Library for key actions to deliver additional educational support for young people involved in the youth justice system.

The page also provides guidance and resources to support schools communicating with young people and their families, or carers, to support the re-engagement process.
