Supports and resources for those impacted by the Victorian flood event

We have outlined a range of financial, mental health and recovery supports and resources for schools and students.

The recent 2022 flooding in Victoria has had a significant impact on many in our community, including schools and teachers, students and their families.

To help people who have been impacted by the floods and need support, we have published a comprehensive list of resources and supports for school staff and students and their families.

These pages provide information and contact details to help you access a range of financial, mental health and recovery supports and resources.

Support for school staff

The Flood event 2022: supports and resources web page includes information on:

  • grants and supports available to impacted students
  • supports available to impacted schools, including clean up grants and funding for furniture, fixtures, equipment
  • emergency leave provisions
  • health, safety and wellbeing supports for school staff and students
  • recovery resources
  • donations
  • media support.

Employee Assistance Program

All our staff, including school staff, and their immediate family members (aged 18 years and over) can access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

This free, confidential counselling service is provided by mental health professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To access the Employee Assistance Program call 1300 361 008 or by using the Lifeworks Australia live chat function to assist with a booking.

Support for children, students and families

The Flood event: Support for children, students and families web page includes information on:

  • how to access assistance to replace essential school items where a family's home and/or belongings have been damaged by the floods
  • free kindergarten programs for Term 4
  • health, safety and wellbeing supports for children, students and young people
  • recovery resources
  • mental health supports
  • family violence supports following emergencies
  • advice on how to make donations.

Victorian Flood Recovery Hotline

If you, or a student and family you know, have been impacted by the Victorian flood event, contact or refer to the Victorian Flood Recovery Hotline on 1800 560 760 for assistance with:

  • navigating available supports
  • clean-up
  • temporary accommodation
  • mental health and wellbeing support.

The recovery hotline is open from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm every day.

For up-to-date emergency warnings and information, visit VicEmergency respond webpage.

For information on relief and recovery, visit VicEmergency relief webpage.

For emergency assistance in a flood or storm, call the Victorian State Emergency Service on 13 25 00.

For emergency information about floods and storms, call the SES information line on 1300 842 737.

Find out more

For more information, visit:
