Teaching dance and drama

New resources are available to support primary teachers to feel confident in planning and delivering dance and drama curriculum in the classroom.

All teachers can access new resources for support delivering dance and drama for students in grades 3 to 6

New resources are available to support primary teachers to feel confident in planning and delivering dance and drama curriculum in the classroom.

Quality dance and drama education engages, inspires, and enriches students to reach their creative and expressive potential.

The resources developed by Ausdance Victoria and Drama Victoria include virtual lessons and lesson plans for teachers with students in grades 3 to 6.

Ausdance Victoria and Drama Victoria are professional associations for teachers in Victorian government schools that specialise in dance and drama pedagogy aligned to the Victorian curriculum.

The new resources enable all teachers to teach dance and drama and are particularly useful for teachers in schools that do not have access to specialist dance and drama teachers.

The resources are available on FUSE. Sort by 'latest' to access the new resources:

What the new dance and drama resources include

Teachers who access the new resources will find:

  • a series of virtual lessons from expert teachers
  • lesson plans and other support materials to help them facilitate further dance and drama learning in the classroom.

Dance and drama resources in practice

Drama specialist and teacher at Montmorency Primary School, Kate Ellis, helped develop the resources.

Kate said the dramatic arts support student mental, emotional, social, and physical health and wellbeing, particularly during learning from home.

Her advice for teachers on using the resources was: 'Let your hair down, just have fun with it'.

'We learn as teachers that one of the most important things you can do is model what you are looking for and modelling that kind of energy and playfulness can really help students open up and have fun.'

Find out more

For more information, refer to the dance and drama pages on FUSE.
