Victorian Student Representative Council farewells 2022

An end-of-year message from the Victorian Student Representative Council (VicSRC).

This year, like every year before, Victorian students and staff have shared in each other's company. Emerging from remote learning into the first school year since 2019 without a statewide lockdown, both young people and teachers have displayed incredible resilience, character and leadership – supporting and thriving alongside one another in the classrooms and beyond.

Rising above adversity

As we approach the end of 2022, we would like to acknowledge the struggles we've all faced but also the triumphs of partnership between students and educators.

We shared similar challenges but also seized the opportunities that lead to growth.

By including students in decision-making, schools have been able to provide support for academic achievement and mental health on even footing. This has included recognising times when academic success was being prioritised over mental health and wellbeing and co-designing exam and assessment timetables.

The show must go on

Our work is far from over. Students and teachers are still working together to improve topics such as consent education and electoral education, to increase connections between schools and local First Nations communities, and to make student mental health and wellbeing a core component of education.

Moving forwards, we believe profound and beneficial change can be reached through the enhancing of the partnership that is education. Our teachers are vital figures in providing us with a platform to voice our experiences and to acknowledge the struggles that students have faced.

We are told education is important, but even more so it is important that we do something with it.

A final thanks

To Victorian teachers: thank you for your paramount work, the hours you spend providing us with the best experience in school, and your dedication to making a positive impact in our lives.

In saying so, VicSRC hopes you will continue to provide all students with a platform for student voice and continue to identify us as the core of education and as the beneficiaries of your work. Your efforts are indispensable and we look forward to what is in store for 2023.

Written by members of the Student Executive Advisory Committee at the Victorian Student Representative Council: Wesley Chen, Sidd Anand, Aleena Kayani and Eric Vien.
