Principal Mentoring Program

Connect with trained mentors for advice and development of knowledge and expertise.

The Principal Mentor Program is part of the department’s Principal Health and Wellbeing Strategy and is delivered by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy).

Principal Mentoring provides principals with support from a trusted former Victorian government school principal with first-hand experience and an understanding of the exciting, unique and challenging aspects of the role.

The program offers principals with up to 12 hours of mentoring over 9 months.

Learning outcomes:

  • enhance your leadership capability by reflecting on your current leadership practice
  • explore new responsibilities and improved performance
  • view feedback as an integral part of improving your performance
  • acquire new skills and knowledge from your mentor
  • take charge of your development and growth.

The department fully subsidises the program for all Victorian government school participants.

Sessions can be delivered face-to-face, online or phone, or a combination.

To learn more, or to express your interest in the program, refer to Principal Mentoring on the Academy website.

Frequently asked questions

Proactive wellbeing support (staff login required)
