A man and two students in uniform talking outdoors.

Career education and school outcomes

Effective career education will lift your schools’ ability to deliver on student learning and wellbeing.

Career education puts a young person’s secondary school education in the context of a lifetime of learning.

All government schools must deliver a career education program from Years 7 to 12. This program will be most effective when delivered as an interconnected program of 4 key activities:

Each of the key career education activities provide an opportunity to partner with parents and carers.

By delivering and connecting these programs, your school will give students a clear path through school and into their future. This has many benefits for students individually, as well as for the culture and outcomes of your school.

Core elements and benefits

Career education helps students find the links between school, their strengths and interests, and their eventual adult life. This helps them find purpose and engage in their learning.

Career education also provides opportunities for self-understanding and reflection, which are key capabilities necessary to thrive and respond positively to challenges, supporting overall wellbeing.

The 5 core elements of the Framework for Improving School Outcomes (FISO 2.0) can guide planning and delivery of career education. It also highlights the benefits of an effective program in your school.

Career Education Planning and Improvement Tool

The department’s Career Education Planning and Improvement (CEPI) Tool will help your school implement high-quality career education from years 7-12.

Your school’s leadership and career education team can use the CEPI Tool to self-evaluate your school’s career education practice and identify areas for improvement.

The CEPI Tool includes 10 benchmarks, with examples of best practice.

The CEPI Tool has been developed and piloted with school leaders and career practitioners who have used it to improve their schools’ career education program.

To evaluate your school’s delivery and find opportunities for improvement, download the CEPI Tool(opens in a new window).

Australian Blueprint for Career Development

The National Careers Institute has developed the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (the Blueprint) to support delivery of career education.

Career practitioners can use the Blueprint to plan, implement and evaluate your school’s delivery of career education.

To access the Blueprint and information and supporting resources, visit the National Career Institute website.
